I just wish the show wasn’t so heavy handed. Less than an month and ATWT will be gone forever. MovingĪll in all, we got a nice gamut of very believable emotions,Īnd the show handled them all perfectly. Remembered why things are the way they are and turned away from Roman. Just as great was the heartbreak that followed as Deniz But I think the best scene was RomanĪnd Deniz celebrating Deniz’s good news with a kiss that was achingly romantic I’m also enjoying the drama at the skating rink andĪxel’s downfall. Possible infection, while still expressing anger at Deniz for not telling him Marian managed to show unconditional support when he learned of Deniz’s In fact, there were lots of nice scenes this week. Playing a wide range of conflicting emotions, sometimes in the same scene, Iĭon’t know that the German equivalent of an Emmy is, but Igor Dolgaschewĭeserves one because he’s been excellent as Deniz, HIV scare plot, but there’s no denying there’s been some really good drama here as well.
I haven’t been all that thrilled with the execution of this